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Modern Warfare 2021 War Clan & Gaming News
The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here:
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.
While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter. If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.
Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM
Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …
CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017
I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us. Time will tell.
Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode
If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake. I have lots of issues at present. Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind. But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers. And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3. So... we'll see.
Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: HEADQUARTERS... Designed by an 8 Year Old Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:01 am
Sledgehammer Games employs 8 year olds to design it's games... or something.
New Call of Duty: WWII’s Headquarters mode features revealed
Call of Duty: WWII's Headquarters option is taking several social cues from World of Warcraft. By Nick Plessas | 06/23/2017 LINK
Call of Duty: WWII‘s Headquarters social space will pull many influences from the interactions found in World of Warcraft, such as questing and mail.
Headquarters in Call of Duty: WWII is a social feature that allows up to 48 players to hang out in a communal space, team up for matches, and enjoy a variety of social content. While discussing the feature with Eurogamer (via PvP Live), Sledgehammer Games co-founder Michael Condrey revealed that much of the mode’s inspiration came from the Orgrimmar social space in World of Warcraft.
"Remember the first time you went to Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft? Remember that first time experience when you did your quest and you leveled up and you earned all these great rewards and then you walked into Orgrimmar and it was a bustling city of people with all these activities that made it a community, whether it was the guy who was just showing off his max rank, all purple mounts or people going to mail, or people gifting each other things? That sense of community was something we felt Call of Duty hadn’t capitalized on yet. That’s what our attempt with Headquarters is."
While players won’t be embarking on quests in the same vein as World of Warcraft, WWII will feature daily challenges that can net players some nice rewards which have yet to be detailed.
“Your divisions officer may say, hey, it’s time for you to head into battle,” Condrey explained. “Go compete in War and be successful, bring back that success and we’ll give you a reward. Some will be social quests. It might be a quest that sends you to the Nazi zombies experience, or compete in the 1v1 or create your first emblem.”
In-game mail is another facet of the Headquarters mode meant to promote interaction between players. Players can be commended by each other—or the developer—for a variety of reasons, such as being a good teammate or making a cool emblem, and this commendation is sent to players’ mailboxes along with a possible reward.
Headquarters will not be a mandatory step in matchmaking, serving more as a place for players to unwind and connect. If that sounds like a waste of time to you, there is still the option of jumping straight into matches to get on with the killing. There is a little of this to be found in Headquarters, however, as a 1v1 competitive pit option was confirmed for the feature- along with several other details- during the developer’s recent pre-E3 livestream.
Call of Duty: WWII is slated to launch November 3rd on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Everything we know, think we know, or want to know about the upcoming shooter can be found on EGM’s complete guide to the game.
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: HEADQUARTERS... Designed by an 8 Year Old Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:27 am
Is Headquarters Just a Gimmick? | My Concerns with the HQ
Published on Jun 25, 2017
Headquarters is a staging area and social space with a bunch of features mixed into it but is it just a gimmick? Today I share my concerns with this system.
Dana Dalrymple1 day ago... Sounds like another spot to mute loud music, 12 yr olds making unneeded annoying sounds, people eating, kids screaming...or players harassing, threatening, or making fun of others. How many use their mic's for gameplay that aren't in a prebuilt party chat? not many.